tarot & oracles
Tarot of the QTPOC
A great list of QTPOC tarot decks from the Asali Earthwork, "a Black queer femme-curated resource and blog for (r)evolution" that is not to be missed. I love this site and all it offers. Asali offers up powerful food for thought, but it's the food for my feelings that always calls me back.
Kahn & Selesnick
Not just one of my favorite tarot obsessions with the Carnival at the End of the World deck. Profound, beautiful art from the collaborative team of Nicholas Kahn and Richard Selesnick. Be sure to also check out Kickstarter for a new oracle deck coming soon!
Hand Me That Pencil
I am just going to say it. I'm in love with this site. I love the decks, I love the art, I love the honest and wonderful approach that Justine has about...well, everything. Her purpose, as she very simply puts it, is to create hope. And she does so in a way that squeezes my heart and makes me cry.