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garden & hedge


Image by Daiga Ellaby

Flying The Hedge

This is one of my absolute favorite blogs out there. Willow is a practicing hedgewitch who always has something worthwhile on offer. Great information, book reviews, and all sorts of other good stuff. Her style is accessible and inspiring!

Image by Christina Deravedisian

Lunar Spell

Lunar Spell is another really good site with a wide range of witchy topics that are worth a read. Their complete guide to green witchcraft is really good and the plant magic section is quite helpful as well. This site has a lot of beginner info too, always a plus!

Natural Herbs

The Thrifty Witch School

The Thrifty Witch School has a great reference tool for herbs and their uses. The witch school membership require a subscription fee. Though I have not participated in the classes, the site is great and definitely seems geared toward diverse practical witches.

Image by Laura Ockel

Wicca Now

Wicca Now has some really good plant guides that give in-depth information. This one is about witch hazel, a staple in my household. There are other guides to plants in the links. The site has many sections worth taking a look at as well!

Image by Paulina H.

Apothecary At Home

Apothecary at Home is a monthly subscription box that offers a chance to learn about herbs and plants in a hands on way. Vegan options and they are a small shop. A good way to support small woman-owned indie business and learn too!

Image by Annie Spratt

Witch's Garden Grimoire

 A beautifully put together bit of folklore, plant information, and creativity. This site really does make me feel like I am walking through a secret garden, learning all the hidden histories that the plants have chosen to reveal. A truly magical digital stroll!

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